‘Six things’ is a weekly micro-interview with interesting and creative people from a variety of backgrounds and locations.
You can find the archive of past interviews here.
To contribute to ‘six things’, please send us your responses to the following prompts:
The six things
• One thing that’s always worth getting out of bed for
• One thing about yourself that often obstructs you
• One thing you’ve learned the hard way
• One thing that gets under your skin
• One thing you’d love to change
• One thing you hope for
The prompts are deliberately open-ended. We’re looking for honest responses that tell us why as well as what; our suggestion would be something in the range of 100-200 words per prompt. Humour is fine, but preferably not glib one-line responses: we’d like to come away with a meaningful insight into you as a person, rather than sliding off a teflon surface.
In addition to the 6 responses, we’d be grateful if you could also supply:
• A brief biography (50-100 words).
• A photo of yourself. If you can’t or don’t wish to supply a portrait photo, we’ll find a stock image with a suitable theme instead (suggestions welcome!).
• The URL of your website, if any. (Also, do feel free to embed further relevant hyperlinks in your biography text, if you wish).
Submissions can be emailed to sixthings@thatelusiveclarity.breakstep.com. Please send the text in the body of the email, rather than as an attachment, if possible. (Photos can be sent as an email attachment.)
Thanks, and we look forward to hearing about your six things!